Grounding -- why ground yourself?

Importance of Grounding.

Always connect yourself to the energy of Mother Earth ...
The earth is a strong component as a guide as a supporter... Grounding techniques are an important part of the centering prayer and healing methods of certain energy healing traditions.

( See the net for grounding techniques )

Grounding is essential to clearing out negativity when you have an off day or during the day when you feel spacey or not quite here. It is especially important with all of the exercises everyone does to elevate themselves. We live on this earth and when you elevate yourself with out grounding any energy can be picked up because the person is wide open.

one technique is: Hugging a tree

Go to a relaxing place such as a park or into your back yard. Pick out a tree that seems friendly to you that you like.

Go to the tree and hug the tree, and try to energetically feel the tree. You can do this a couple of different ways.

We have minor chakras in the hands which can receive energies and the experience is great for developing your ability to feel energy changes.

If you feel rejection or not friendly energies then you should move to a different tree.

Simple way of Grounding

Picture small roots growing out of the bottom of your feet down, down, down to the core of the Earth. Imagine that there is a large quartz crystal at the core that your roots connect to. Next visualize
a small spot on the top of your head (your crown chakra) opening up and fibres emerging reaching up and up similar to the roots you visualized coming from your feet. Visualize them growing up and up and connecting to the heaven’s, central sun, moon, a planet, etc. Sit for a few moments and breathe in energy from both below and above and visualize that energy entering your body. In doing this you are both centering and grounding yourself.
Do this every morning and anytime you feel insecure, emotional, and always before meditation or any spiritual or healing work.

** Realm of Guidance


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