Lightworkers Recognition

Interesting article - Posted on 23 August, 2011, Spirit & Destiny

lightworkers way, magazine, presence x -- Care for your Light when others look or stare at you

Just got this in lightworkers magazine, and i HAD to place it on here, to help others understand their Presence, as YOU radiate light, so don't be bothered by the stares; and remarks. you hold love within you, and shine it out brightly. so ignore the stares and remarks of negativity. remember you earned your brightness! xxxx

"As Lightworkers, your radiant presence lifts the room. You may find that people stare at you in the supermarket, on the bus or in the gym - this is because they sense your light, yet are not quite sure what it is that magnetizes them to you.

Take pride in being this beacon of light on a planet that needs it; be love not fear and glow with the certainty of the soul's magnificence. Presence cannot be bought, for any price; it is earned through lifetimes of living as love, and thus, you deserve every ounce of recognition you receive for the light that you are.

With this understanding, you can hold compassion for those who envy your peace and try to unsettle it with intimidating looks, hurtful remarks or bullying tactics; they are simply jealous of your presence and yet to learn the secret of it. In time they will, so for now hold your stance and be strong if needs be; a peaceful presence does not mean putting up with unloving treatment, quite the opposite, it means honoring your self-worth and aligning fully with it on all levels and with all people." - ©

This article is not mine..


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