The Shift in Consciousness - the key insight

The Message for you It's okay to be vulnerable sometimes. It adds strength to your being. You are a pure soul sent to Earth for a purpose. The Divine truly appreciates the work you are doing to raise the vibration of this planet. You are reminded that you are always connected to your soul star and the Universe. You are electromagnetic. Soul contracts were important for healing all karmic debris and releasing all repeated cycles in your life. You did well. You are forgiven. Accept all of you and know that you are your own love. You were never separated from your true beloved. You have worked through your wounded sides, and now you are evolving to the 5D. Remember to stay in alignment with the Earth's natural rhythm. Whenever your soul cries for solitude, heed that call. Spend quiet time and simply hibernate. Being in nature allows you to naturally reset and recharge your energy fields. And just know that there is someone on Earth who will truly treasure your presence. You mea...